
Expert area

We are recruiting experts for each round of evaluation.

Each application will be evaluated by 2 international / independent experts. Please notice that for conflict of interest, you cannot apply for a fellowship and be an expert evaluator for the same call.

Experts will evaluate both the profile of the candidate and the research project. An independent Selection Committee will rank the applications. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for the 2nd selection round. The 2nd selection round consist of a 10-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute discussion between the candidate and the Interview Evaluation Panel members composed by the Selection Committee. Each Interview Evaluation Panel will be composed of at least 2 international / independent experts. Interviews will be conducted via video conference (no travel is planned).

Registration procedure :

You will need to be referenced in Paris Region international experts database, which we created for this programme. Your agreement is necessary for us to be in compliance with the GDPR. It will allow us to contact you for each round of evaluation. Each evaluation will be paid (around 100€ per project for the first round et around 200€ for an half day for the second round). Of course, your being part of this database doesn’t imply you agree to do more expertise afterwards.

1st step :

Please find below a link to our registration form in order to collect your personal details, contact information, areas of expertise and working information. You will also find our personal data management policy in accordance with GDPR (Filling the form will take 5 minutes) :

2nd step :

To finalize your registration, please send a short CV to


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