
Application documents > Overview of documents

Please read carefully and follow the steps :

1. At first please read the Application Guide. It will give you all important information, notably on your eligibility, preparing the research project, but also what are the basic requirements and obligations during the project. It is important that you are aware of all aspects before starting the application process. IMPORTANT: Please check and download the most recent version of the Application Guide (see document history for any changes), it is the responsibility of the applicants to check any changes in the Guide before finalising their submission.  

2. When ready to submit your application, you will need to upload first the Application Form (=Full text). Then, you need to join the other requested documents (=Supplementary data) to your application.

Please name each file as follows and respect the requirements indicated in the Application Form/Guide:

Uploaded under "Full text":

NameApplicant_ApplicationForm” (fully dated and signed) - Read the Practical Note for filling in the application form, and preparing the other documents requested.

Uploaded under "Supplementary data":

NameApplicant_ID” (a copy of the identity proof, like valid passport)

NameApplicant_CV-TrackRecord” (max 5 pages)

NameApplicant_ResearchProject” (max 7 pages) - Template for the Research Project (word) : please use this mandatory template to describe your research project in max 7 pages. The file should be named "NameApplicant_ResearchProject” and be uploaded on this platform (as pdf file).

NameApplicant_PhDdegree” or “NameApplicant_PhDLetterofCommitment” (a letter in English from the PhD delivering University to attest the near future delivery of the PhD) or “NameApplicant_WorkCertificate” (if no PhD degree at all). For the PhD degree / work certificate(s), a copy of the original and non-certified English-translated transcripts are needed (certified translations will be requested in case applicant is selected).

NameApplicant_RecommendationLetter1” and “NameApplicant_RecommendationLetter2”. The recommendation letters (in English) shall be provided from prior supervisors, professors, co-workers, and they shall precise their position (director, researcher, etc.), title (Prof., Dr., Mrs, etc.), name, first name, e-mail, and telephone number. Please note that a recommendation letter cannot be provided by your future host.

IMPORTANT: Letter of recommendations which are not signed will not be taken into account. These letters should also be drafted on letterhead paper. 

If applicable:  “NameApplicant_EthicsSelf-Assessment

No application can be completed without all the information required, including the two recommendation letters. Compliance with the required lengths is mandatory. Any document longer than required will be truncated by Paris Region. All documents must be submitted by the candidate on this platform.

No reminder is sent by the Paris Region in case of missing documents, the applicant is responsible for timely submission, and completeness of his/her application.

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